![Snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands with Ecoventura](https://whereelsetogo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Galapagos-with-Ecoventura.jpg)
Thanks so much for joining me for Episode #8 of the Where Else to Go Podcast. We’re on an island theme right now, having already covered Marco Island, Florida, and Lihue, Hawaii. This week we’re off to Ecuador and snorkeling in the Galapagos Islands with Cheryl and Lisa of What Boundaries Travel Media.
Take a listen to learn why snorkeling in the Galapagos Island should be on your where else to go list.
The Galapagos Islands recently made the top of Cheryl and Lisa’s favorite travel destination after a recent trip to the islands. Getting so close to the flora and fauna of the islands made them feel like they were taking a step back in time. The animals have no fear of humans so they really had a chance to see them in their real habitat.
And they add:
One of the highlights was when we snorkeled with the sea lions – they would always come play with us!
You might think that getting to the Galapagos Islands is too great of a challenge and so have put off visiting the islands because of the travel time involved and some of the tourism restrictions. However, it’s an amazing experience to see the animals up close. Some amazing land animals like the land iguana or Galapagos Tortoise, land birds like the Blue-Footed Booby, and in the water you will swim with seals and see an occasional penguin at the Equator South.
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There are many options on how to experience the Galapagos. You can fly into one of the main islands like San Cristobal and make it your home base while planning day trips to the various islands, or you can opt to take a luxury tour with a group like Ecoventura where your yacht is the “home base” and you travel between the islands with a stop at a different island every day. It surprisingly easy to get to the islands – there are many flights through Panama or even directly into Ecuador (another beautiful place), then it’s just a quick flight out to the islands.
About Cheryl and Lisa: Cheryl and Lisa started traveling pretty much full time in 2007 after leaving corporate jobs and have since visited 6 continents with sights on Antarctica to hit their goal of all 7.
Cheryl and Lisa keep busy traveling and writing for their three blogs: WhatBoundariesTravel, TheTravelPharmacist, and coming soon, the FloridaSpectator. Their focus is on Gen X and Boomer travel with a goal to provide travel inspiration to their readers. They sum it up simply, “We love to travel and even more, love to share our experiences with others so they feel more comfortable traveling.” You can follow Cheryl and Lisa on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.
Save this to your favorite travel and adventure boards. You’ll want to start planning soon, even though your trip may be a long way off.